28 March 2009

Earth Hour or Human Achievement Hour?

I have been thinking of ways to NOT participate in earth hour this evening. My hubby and I enjoyed ourselves last night thinking of all the different things we could turn on during earth hour. It's not that we don't appreciate our earth or want to help conserve resources. We just don't like to "go along with the crowd" and we certainly don't like to do as we are told. I can conserve and be "earth friendly" without celebrating "earth hour".

So with that said, finding this video at April's blog, I really liked what it said, and I felt the need to share. It seems like a much worthier cause than "earth hour" to me:


Stephanie said...

We are so much on the same wavelenghth!
We aren't partipating either.

Stephanie said...

Damn typos!

Donna said...

I understand you, typos and all : )

Parsley said...

I'm new to blogging and came across yours. I really appreciated your outlook on this topic. I had posted about something silly going on in my home regarding the symbolism of earth hour and it was mistaken as an attack against someone very dear to me who is an environmentalist. Guess she thought I read her blog and my post was a response...it wasn't.

Donna said...

You don't need to explain yourself to someone else. Your blog, you get to post what you want ; )

Some people take offense against anyone who is not "with" them. We're not sheeple, we're people, and we have the right to not go along with the crowd if we deem the crowd foolish. It's what we do everyday that matters, not the "token" actions that occur once a year for an hour.

Stephanie said...

Donna, YOU ROCK!

Donna said...

Aw Steph (I'm blushing ; )